Group term life insurance open enrollment for young ministers, spouses nearing end

Group term life insurance open enrollment for young ministers, spouses nearing end

by | 18 Sep 2015

The end of September is days away, and so is the opportunity to purchase term life insurance without proof of health.

Through September 30, eligible Nazarene pastors and spouses under the age of 49* may purchase Nazarene Supplemental Group Term Life Insurance without proof of health. This means they can purchase low-cost coverage to provide financial protection for their families without the added annoyance of medical check-ups.

The insurance is backed by Aetna and easy to apply for, but open enrollment is only available until the end of this month.

Click here for more information about this special offer, or contact Pensions and Benefits USA.

*Applicants must be age 49 or under (as of January 1, 2015), who have not been denied coverage since January 1, 2009.

--Pensions and Benefits USA




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