Nazarene missionary makes impact in rural Myanmar village

Nazarene missionary makes impact in rural Myanmar village

Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific
| 14 Oct 2021

A man named Aung* answered God’s call to the missions field and is now making an eternal impact by serving a rural community in Myanmar. 

After receiving a call to missions from God, Aung and his family of six decided to leave their home and move to the Naththauk village in the Rakhine State in Myanmar. The village is in a remote location with no access to public transportation, electricity, or even the internet.

In remote communities like Naththauk, rental housing does not exist. Therefore, there was no home available to rent. However, through the help of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries and the Northwest District of Myanmar, a wooden house was built in the village for Aung’s family.

“I am very grateful to God because now my family has a home to live in,” Aung said. “At the same time, we have the opportunity to use this house as a church in the community where there is no church yet.” 

As a new resident in the community, Aung walks around the village every day, visiting his neighbors to build connections and make friends. As he builds relationships with them, he intentionally shares the Gospel with his neighbors and prays for them whenever he has the opportunity. He also helps the community leaders with the community children’s education.

When Aung decided to follow Jesus as a local missionary, planting churches and making Christlike disciples in the community became his heart’s desire and passion. Now, he opens his house to the community, becoming a hub for tutoring and music lessons as well as a place where children and young people can meet and fellowship with each other.

Pray for Aung and his family as they minister in the community. Pray that God will use them to build His church in this place.

*Last name omitted for privacy

--Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific 




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