PLNU appoints new dean for School of Theology and Christian Ministry

PLNU appoints new dean for School of Theology and Christian Ministry

by | 05 Jul 2016

Mark Maddix was appointed the new dean for the School of Theology and Christian Ministry at Point Loma Nazarene University. The position was vacated one year ago by Ron Benefiel, who took on a different assignment in the Center for Pastoral Leadership at PLNU. 

PLNU Provost Kerry Fulcher cites Maddix’s experience and leadership record as dean of the School of Theology and Christian Ministry at Northwest Nazarene University over the last 10 years as a great asset to PLNU “as we transition from a functional department structure to that of a robust school. Maddix’s disciplinary training and expertise in practical theology and Christian discipleship will also be a great addition to the quality faculty and expertise that we currently have in the SOTCM.”

Maddix received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Asbury College in Bible and Christian ministry before going on to earn a Master of Divinity from Asbury. He completed his graduate work at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, where he earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Christian education. Maddix is an active and collaborative scholar who has edited or co-edited several books, including Spiritual Formation: A Wesleyan Perspective (2010), Best Practices in Online Education: A Guide for Christian Higher Education (2012), Pastoral Practices: A Wesleyan Paradigm (2013), and Essential Church: A Wesleyan Paradigm (2014). He has several books or book chapters that are projected to come out in 2016, including a book on spiritual formation with PLNU’s Rebecca Laird Christenson. 

While his contributions through books are a major part of his scholarly work, Maddix also has numerous other publication and academic presentations to his credit. He has also been actively engaged with Nazarene higher education institutions around the world as a teacher, speaker, and consultant. 

“Those who know Mark describe him as a collaborative leader with demonstrated abilities to create bridges between the academy and the church," Fulcher said. "He is comfortable in both worlds but at his core, he has a pastor’s heart.”

--Point Loma Nazarene University




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