NTC–Manchester students serve neighbors affected by pandemic

NTC–Manchester students serve neighbors affected by pandemic

Nicole Almeida for Church of the Nazarene Eurasia Region
| 03 Jun 2020
NTC assistance flyers

When the United Kingdom issued stay-at-home orders and social distancing guidelines to slow the spread of COVID-19, students at Nazarene Theological College–Manchester suddenly found themselves confined to campus residences. While following the government’s orders, they wondered if there was something more they could do to serve their neighbors.

Debbie Kane, the campus warden, and a student started the discussion of what they could do for the neighbors

“We started talking about being like Jesus: What does it mean to us during this time?” said student Finlay Mackinnon.

The 24 students remaining on campus were inspired by a flyer a church had created to advertise its help to neighbors. The students created their own version of the flyer, which said, “Hello. Are you self-isolating? We can help.” It included a number where people could send text messages to request assistance. They posted about 200 flyers throughout the neighborhood.

“I was in Scotland when the students gave out the flyers, and we started receiving messages right away,” Debbie Kane said. “Most of the messages were asking us to help get prescriptions or groceries. We also received many from people that can leave the house but are simply thanking us for what we are doing.”

Many people who live near the school are in their 70s and 80s.

“Although some of the neighbors have family members they can call for help, they have also reached out to the college,” said Michael Kane, the college chaplain. “One neighbor’s family lives abroad, so the students have become her main supports during this time.”

As messages kept arriving, the students created a group chat to organize their response. When Debbie receives a text from a neighbor, she forwards the message to the group and whoever is available will make the run. Sometimes it’s to help with groceries; other times it’s to pick up prescriptions, walk the dogs, or mow a lawn.

“When a request comes in, we have two students make the run. On one hand this is for safety purposes, because we are going to the houses of people we are still getting to know,” Debbie Kane said. “But on the other, we are handling other people’s money, and this way there is some kind of accountability. We are taking all the necessary precautions. When we go to a person’s house to leave what we’ve bought, we usually knock on the door, leave everything in front of the door and then we go away. Before getting to the house, we also text them to let them know we are arriving so they are expecting us.”

Joe Boston is a student who lives at Hurlet Hall. Running these errands has enabled him to get acquainted with those who live close to campus.

“There is a lady that lives around the corner from the college, and she recently hurt her leg, so she needed someone to go pick up her prescriptions,” Boston said. “Another student and I walked about 45 minutes to get to the place we needed to pick up the prescriptions. In the end, she was very grateful that we had done this for her, and she has now kept more contact with the college. She knows that she can call us, and we can simply talk or go get anything she needs.”

Though classes are all online and the campus is virtually empty, the remaining students feel blessed that they don’t have to go through this on their own, and they’re happy to help the community.

“It feels natural,” Boston said. “This is the time where we are in quarantine, and we feel like this is what we should naturally do to respond to the pandemic, as we ask ourselves, ‘What would Jesus have said?’” 

This story previously appeared in the May edition of Where Worlds Meet

--Church of the Nazarene Eurasia Region



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