Vacation Bible School Is Not Just for a Church Setting

Dorothy Whipp

As we are thinking about spring and summer and warmer months, what is more cheerful than a neighborhood block party? How about a neighborhood block party with a chance to share Jesus with your friends and neighbors? Find a neighborhood park, backyard, or even a driveway, and we can supply all the ideas for Bible stories, games, crafts, snacks, and fun!

Looking for a New VBS Program?

Nazarene Discipleship International

Every year, Nazarene churches are bombarded by numerous VBS programs from other denominations and companies while not realizing that Nazarenes have a VBS curriculum created by Nazarenes. So before you purchase a VBS resource that doesn’t reflect the Wesleyan-Holiness theology, investigate one created especially for your children. And it is a free download! 

Use VBS for all it’s Worth

Dorothy Whipp
Bible and prayer

Are you still deciding if you should have a Vacation Bible School this year? My congregation has found it to be one of the most effective tools the local church has in the areas of evangelism, outreach, extended ministries, training, and nurturing.

VBS 2023, The Toy Maker, is now online!

Nazarene Discipleship International
VBS 2023

Now is the time to begin planning for your summer Vacation Bible School, and we have just the resource for you! You're in for an exciting time as you meet Charlie, Sammy, and a very special Toy Maker. Your church will follow along as Charlie learns that the Toy Maker loves him and cares for him. There are crafts, snacks, skits, and main points that all work together to point your students and helpers to Jesus.

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