

The first eight links on the left lead to different sections of an essay that introduces the background and organization of The Nazarene Archives. That essay discusses how the Archives developed, some of the methods used in archives work, how the collections are organized presently, and how they can be used. To read the essay in order, click the tabs in the order in which they are listed.
Archives staff are often asked: “What, exactly, do you do in the archives?” A link on the left takes you to a place where that question is answered.
The materials collected by the Nazarene Archives are designed to document the origin and development of the Church of the Nazarene. By their nature, however, they also document other themes in the study of religion. The “Research Agendas” button will take you to a section that illustrates how the holdings of the Nazarene Archives can be used to explore three main themes in the contemporary study of American religious history.