Nazarene History on the Web

Nazarene History on the Web

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Links about Nazarene History



General Histories

Timothy L. Smith, "Called Unto Holiness"

The Rise of the Church of the Nazarene – M.E. Redford

Pioneer Days of the Holiness Movement in the Southwest – C.B. Jernigan  

Heritage of the Association of Pentecostal Churches of America


Issues in Nazarene History:  

John A. Knight, "The Value of Denominational Heritage" 

“The Holiness Churches: A Significant Ethical Tradition” (1975) – Donald W. Dayton 

Harold Raser, "Your Daughters Shall Prophesy:  Phoebe Palmer's Manifesto"

“The Holiness and Pentecostal Churches: Emerging from Cultural Isolation ” - Donald W. Dayton

“John Wesley: Christian Revolutionary” - Mildred Bangs Wynkoop 

“Christian Baptism and the Early Nazarenes: The Sources That Shaped a Pluralistic Baptism Tradition” - Stan Ingersol

“The Fundamentalist Leavening of the Holiness Movement, 1914-1940: The Church of the Nazarene: A Case Study” - Paul Merritt Bassett.

“Why These Schools? Historical Perspectives on Nazarene Higher Education” - Stan Ingersol

“Mission Policy and National Leadership in the Church of the Nazarene: Japan, 1905-1965.” - Floyd T. Cunningham

Timothy L. Smith, “Internationalization and Ethnicity: Nazarene Problems and Accomplishments”  

Paul M. Bassett, “Our History and His Story” 

Stephen and Christi Bennett, “We Shall Remember Them: Memories of New Zealand Nazarene Saints” 

Sung-Won Kim, “A Critical Reflection on the History of the Church of the Nazarene in Korea” 

Ted Esselstyn, “Remembering Issues in Africa”

“Your Daughters Shall Prophesy”—Stan Ingersol

Wilfredo Canales Farfin, “Receiving a Legacy: Remembering the Church of the Nazarene in Latin America”

Floyd T. Cunningham. “Endnote: Memory”

“Women in the Nazarene Ministry” - Rich Houseal

“Nazarenes and the Wesleyan Mission ” - Timothy L. Smith

“They Shared A Dream: Vision of the Founders” – Stan Ingersol

A Woman's Place? Leadership in the Church, a study of women in the Christian ministry – C. S. Cowles

“Patterns of Sisterhood—Stan Ingersol”

“The Congregational Archives—Stan Ingersol” 

“Nazarenes and Pentecostals” 

“Reaping Susannah’s Legacy:  Holiness and Pentecostal Movements”

Genesis of the Nazarene District” 

“The Closer:  Phineas Bresee and Church Union”  

“Nazarene Worship in Historical Perspective:  A Review Article”  

“A Sacred Fellowship” by David Felter 

“The First General Assembly, October 1907” 


Nazarene Biography and Autobiography:

Phineas F. Bresee: A Prince in Israel – E. A. Girvin  

Phineas F. Bresee: A Life Sketch – A. M. Hills  

The Autobiography of Rev. (Mrs.) Lida Brandyberry  

Mallalieu Wilson, William C. Wilson: The Fifth General Superintendent

Matthew Price, "Life and Work of H. Orton Wiley"

“The Ministry of Mary Lee Cagle: A Study in Women’s History and Religion” - Stan Ingersol

“A Woman of Consequence: The Legacies of Elliot J. Sheeks” 

Materials on the ministry of Rev. E. C. DeJernett

From a Prairie Schooner in Texas, an autobiography – C.B. Jernigan  

Courageous Jernigan, a short biography – Jernigan and Ramsey

Spirit-Filled: The Life of James Blaine Chapman – D. Shelby Corlett  

Soldier of the Cross: Life Story of J. G. Morrison – C.T. Corbett  

“Woman in a New World: Olive Winchester’s Life in Theology and Higher Education”  

 John W. Goodwin: A Biography – Asa Everette Sanner

Bud Robinson, A Brother Beloved – J.B. Chapman  

Miracle of Grace – Basil Miller  

My Life's Story – Bud Robinson

Rev. Bud Robinson – George C. Wise  

A New Look at Rev. J. O. McClurkan – S. W. Strickland  

A Man Sent of God: Life of J. O. McClurkan – Merle McClurkan Heath  

My Old Kentucky Home, or Experiences from Life, an autobiography – P. P. Belew  

Floyd William Nease—A Man of God – Hugh C. Benner

Gospel Over the Andes – Roger S. Winans

His Guiding Hand: An Autobiography – Minnie Ludwig

My Satisfied Quest, an autobiography – Nettie Miller

Twelve Early Nazarene Leaders – Basil Miller

 Our Pioneer Nazarenes – C. T. Corbett

Redeemed Through the Blood – Johnny Hill Jernigan

The Potter's Vessel – C.A. McConnell autobiography  

“Patterns of Sisterhood—Stan Ingersol”

“C. W. Ruth:  The Apostle of Organized Holiness” 


Sermon Collections and Preaching:

Phineas F. Bresee, The Certainties of Faith

Twenty-Nine Sermons – P.F. Bresee  

The Preaching Ministry – J. B. Chapman