BGS addresses global Nazarenes in preparation for Easter Offering
To Nazarenes around the world:
We eagerly anticipate how God will work through the upcoming Easter Offering for the World Evangelism Fund. For more than 75 years, Nazarenes everywhere have faithfully given of their time, talents, and funds to make Christlike disciples in the nations through the offering. These gifts have gone on to bless ministries in 159 world areas.
Through the Easter Offering theme, “Lord of All,” we remind ourselves that the calling of our Lord in Matthew 28:19 is a mission with eternal significance. When we pray, give, and serve together, God uses our humble offerings to bring hearts to a saving knowledge of His Son. Gifts given by Nazarenes around the world to the World Evangelism Fund combine to deliver the gospel and compassionate help through schools, church plants, mission hospitals, and more.
We trust in a God who is “the Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him.” Please pray for the upcoming offering, that God will lead us to more closely follow and serve Him as we share the message of the Lord of All.
The offering will be received globally on 27 March. Please note that this date may vary for some, depending on the calendar of each field or district.
To give or to download resources for this offering in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Korean, visit nazarene.org/generosity.
Yours in Christ,
The Board of General Superintendents