South Africa church makes space for deaf community

South Africa church makes space for deaf community

Nazarene News Staff
| 01 Aug 2024
South Africa

Toekomsrus Church of the Nazarene in the western suburbs of Johannesburg, South Africa, is committed to making the church a welcoming space where all, including those in the deaf community, can access the gospel message.

Currently, six deaf members regularly attend the church. Following a Sunday school class specifically for the deaf, they join the rest of the congregation for regular service.

The church intentionally makes worship services inclusive by providing sign language interpretation and encouraging their participation. The deaf community's dedication to the church has been evident, regularly volunteering to help renovate the building.

Church leadership first recognized the need because the deaf people in their community did not attend church as they could not understand what was being said. The church has intentionally provided a sense of family to individuals from the deaf community, who are often ostracized by their family members.

Dylan Abrahams, the leader of the group, started attending services following the death of his brother. When one of the deaf members experienced the loss of his two-year-old son, and another lost his grandmother, the church family offered to provide comfort and support. Previously, they would have grieved in isolation as no one else from the community would make an effort to communicate with those who are deaf.

Additionally, the church offers South African Sign Language classes for those who can hear, encouraging and facilitating communication among all congregation members. Sign language is one of the 12 official languages of South Africa. The congregation also attends a silent walk yearly during Deaf Awareness Month in September.

Reflecting on the ministry, Eunice Sedith, lead pastor, stated, "We are encouraged by the spiritual growth of the group and aim to continue growing in numbers and outside the borders of the community."

--Church of the Nazarene Africa Region




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