P&B offers tax resources for ministers, treasurers

P&B offers tax resources for ministers, treasurers

Pensions and Benefits USA
| 27 Jan 2022

Ministers and church treasurers can find assistance with a variety of financial matters with resources from Pensions and Benefits USA (P&B) and the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). 

The ECFA’s annually updated Minister’s Tax & Financial Guide offers step-by-step instructions to direct ministers through the returns and forms needed for tax filing. It also features information on matters such as compensation planning, housing exclusion, and Social Security.

For church treasurers, the ECFA’s Church & Nonprofit Tax & Financial Guide explains IRS regulations related to the unique status of churches. It even includes copies of commonly used forms for filing.

P&B offers a series of tax and compensation memos on topics such as housing and parsonage allowance, the tax status of church employees, worker's compensation, and more. Plus, there are many other financially related resources to help both active and retired (or soon to retire) ministers at pbusa.org.

Ministers or treasurers with specific questions about taxes, compensation, retirement, insurance, or related topics, may contact P&B at 888-888-4656 or pensions@nazarene.org




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