Crocker encourages 'priesthood of believers' during GA worship service

Crocker encourages 'priesthood of believers' during GA worship service

Nazarene News staff
| 11 Jun 2023

The 30th General Assembly and Conventions continued on Saturday night as General Superintendent Gustavo Crocker reminded attendees of the importance of discipleship.

The service began with a segment led by General Superintendent David Graves, who gave the crowd a look into the GA Kids worship service taking place just across the convention center. The General Assembly band and orchestra then led the crowd in renditions of “No One,” “Our God,” “Goodness of God,” and “Great is Thy Faithfulness.”

Mesoamerica Region Director Carlos Saenz led the more than 9,000 people in attendance in a time of prayer, and Nazarene Discipleship International Director Scott Rainey read Ephesians 4:1-16.

Crocker’s message emphasized the importance of discipleship through the priesthood of all believers.

“The call to follow Jesus is a call to be transformed as agents of transformation to His likeness,” Crocker said. “His task of redemption was completed at the cross. The task of the church is to announce the good news that it is finished.”

He reminded the congregation that the Church is to be a faithful expression of good news and that because Jesus is Lord, God has equipped the Church to fulfill the task of discipleship.

“He imparts to all of us some of His nature,” Crocker said.

Crocker alluded to this through Ephesians 4:11-12: “So Christ Himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.”

As Crocker closed the service, he invited the congregation forward to receive a stole, a scarf-like garment worn around the neck. The stoles  featured the words “Equipped to Serve” and the General Assembly logo as a reminder for individuals to consecrate their gifts to the Lord as they serve.

In an emotional moment, retiring General Superintendent Eugénio Duarte and Crocker exchanged stoles.

“This is the symbol of the priesthood of all believers,” Crocker said. “Whether you are lay or clergy, it doesn’t matter. At the cross, the curtain was completely open. And now you and I are royal priesthood.”




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