NMI elects new global president

NMI elects new global president

Nazarene Missions International
| 10 Jun 2023

Over 800 Nazarene Missions International delegates gathered in the Indiana Convention Center for the second plenary session of the 24th Global NMI Convention. 

Friday’s plenary session picked up where the online session, including a plenary session, regional caucuses, and legislative committee meetings, left off in April. In addition to the more than 800 delegates who met in person, additional international delegates joined from across the globe via Zoom. 

A highlight of the day was the election of a new global NMI president, Christine Trent-Mosuela, of the Philippines, Asia-Pacific Region. Christine currently serves as Philippines-Micronesia Field NMI coordinator and Asia-Pacific Region NMI coordinator.  

Philip Weatherill has served as the global NMI president for the past 10 years. Global NMI will celebrate his leadership on Monday in its closing session.

NMI is the global missions advocate in every local church, nurturing a spirit of missions, and mobilizing into action, impacting people around the world.

Saturday’s session will focus on Global NMI Director Lola Brickey’s report as well as a resolution and reports from the South America Region and the Africa Region. Delegates will celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Alabaster with a march offering — by marching to the front, giving money, and then praying over the money that has been given. 

--Nazarene Missions International




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