Global praise reports and prayer requests: October 16, 2015

Global praise reports and prayer requests: October 16, 2015

by | 15 Oct 2015

Recent praise reports and prayer requests from NCN News, Nazarene Missions International, and JESUS Film Harvest Partners include:


JESUS Film - Haiti 

"I collapsed while they prayed for me," said Seraphin in Haiti. "As I passed by a JESUS film showing, the people began to talk with me. They told me about repenting from sins and following Christ. When they began to pray for me I fell unconscious. I was unaware of what happened. When I woke up, I accepted Jesus as my Savior."


JESUS Film - Nepal

"I didn't know it was the Holy Spirit working on me," said Jayalal in Nepal. "I met followers of Christ distributing gospel tracts before and spoke abusively to them. I thought I was free of them, but that was not God's plan. Since I am the oldest son, pressure was put on me to earn money to help my family, but I had no skills or education to do so. My parents also wanted to get me away from the friends I was running with, so they decided I should go abroad to work. I didn't want to go, but I couldn't ignore their decision. Finally, everything was ready. As I made the flight, my heart was filled with fear but also hope. Not being used to working in the hot sun, I became very ill. I considered returning home when a co-worker, who was a believer in Jesus, asked me to go to his church with him. The leaders prayed for me and suggested I get treatment also. I didn't have the money for treatment, so they told me not to worry about the expense. I was overwhelmed with their Christlike love and generosity — I had never known anyone back home like that. After being so hostile to Christ followers in my home country, it is an amazing thing that God took me part way around the world to accept Christ in a foreign land. Now I am back in Nepal. Please pray for me and for my family members who are still in darkness. God has given me the responsibility to bring them to Him."



Turkey bombing

Two explosions killed at least 99 people and wounded nearly 250 Saturday at a peace rally in Ankara, Turkey. The attack is the worst in the country's modern history. Prayer is requested for all affected and for those providing releif assistance.



Marion Rich

Former missionary Marion Rich is continuing to improve. Her son, Dwight, says, "It has been over a week since my mother was in a serious car accident. She suffered massive trauma to her chest and head and has been in intensive care since September 29. Many have prayed from around the world, and God has responded!

"The staples have been removed from her head, as well as the chest and stomach tubes. She no longer needs the respirator and there are no more IVs. She has the feeding tube and is breathing on her own through her throat and the tracheotomy. She opened her eyes several times Sunday in response to voices and questions. The only medication, apart from her normal meds, is Tylenol. The doctors are pleased with the progress.

"We thank you for praying and continue to ask for your prayers as the road to recovery is still long and complicated."



For more global concerns and continued requests, see the NMI Prayer Mobilization Line by clicking here or JESUS Film Harvest Partners by clicking here. To share additional praises or prayer requests, please use the comment section below or see the Prayer Mobilization Line's Facebook page.



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