7.0 earthquake rattles northern Philippines

7.0 earthquake rattles northern Philippines

Asia-Pacific Region Church of the Nazarene
| 28 Jul 2022

A magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit the northern part of Luzon, Philippines, 27 July 2022. The quake injured more than a hundred people, closed many roads due to landslides, and damaged houses and infrastructures.

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology recorded more than 800 aftershocks in the 24 hours after the quake.

Nazarene Disaster Response, led by Philippines and Micronesia Field Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Coordinator Jaime Eniceo, is working with the Luzon District to assess the damage and effects of the earthquake on local churches and members.

Please pray for:

  • Families who were affected by the disaster. Pray for the safety of all the people living in the affected areas as they continue to experience aftershocks.
  • Comfort for those who have lost their loved ones and those whose houses were destroyed.
  • Philippine Nazarene College. Pray that the earthquake did not leave any major damage to its buildings, so the school can continue to serve and reopen the institution this coming school year.
  • The local churches and members living in the affected areas, that they will be able to minister to the people in their areas and have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus during this challenging time.

--Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific



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