Kenya Eastern District completes training center project with help from locals, Alabaster

Kenya Eastern District completes training center project with help from locals, Alabaster

NMI Central
| 10 Feb 2022
Alabaster Africa Article

Thanks to a God-given vision, a united district, focused leaders, and an Alabaster offering, the Kenya Eastern District and Training Centre (KEDTC) has been completed.

The neatly painted, wooden-sided building provides space for at least 48 pastors and lay leaders to attend training programs and seminars and will serve as housing during the events. The space also hosts a local radio station and a recording studio where people record songs and sermons. All of the district ministries have offices there as well. 

Realizing this dream took some time. The Kenya Eastern District was growing, and by early 2000, district leaders recognized their district sanctuary space was too small. Their rented space was also inadequate for their needs in addition to being a drain on the district’s resources. Pastors and other leaders across the district valued their time together in order to encourage one another to press on in ministry, yet they were limited in their ability to do so. 

The District Advisory Board led the district in a discernment time and eventually chose a location that fit the vision of the new center. District leaders designed the new space and led the project. Church members across the district pledged their financial support and their skills to bring the dream to reality. 

Together they created a vision board of images and scripture to maintain focus on the vision for the center — they hoped to see leaders undergoing training, people praying, and music being developed. Once it was time to build, church members gave water and sand to the construction, skilled and unskilled labor, and furnishings and finances. Their work was paired with a significant gift of Alabaster funds. 

Augustus Musili, superintendent of the Kenya Eastern District, said the united effort from members across the district “. . .presented us with an enhanced picture of who we are as a church. We have a heart to pursue the Great Commission.”

-Nazarene Missions International




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