Students serve in Swaziland

Students serve in Swaziland

NCN Staff
| 17 Jun 2011
Swaziland Girl

For students at Southern Nazarene University that have traveled domestically and internationally this year, a true journey begins when they are called to step out in faith.
Twelve students and a staff sponsor from Southern Nazarene University traveled to Swaziland, Africa, for 17 days this past month. The group was continuing the work of a Swaziland partnership that began three years ago among the Church of the Nazarene in Swaziland, Bethany, Oklahoma, First Church of the Nazarene, and SNU. 

Together with a group from Mount Vernon Nazarene University, the students took on a number of tasks ranging from serving in children's soup kitchens to leading school assemblies in Nazarene schools.  

"Whenever you are on trips like this you grasp how mighty the God we serve is," said SNU sophomore Courtney Redwine. "By serving with brothers and sisters in a place so far away it reminds me of how important it is that we each serve in the place God has put us." 

In Swaziland, the team was led by Nazarene Mission Corp's volunteers and Swaziland onsite coordinators Andy and Amy Curry, both 2005 SNU alums. The wonder and passion the students exhibited was noticed and appreciated by the people of Swaziland with whom the students served during the two-week trip.
In reflecting over the recent trip, Brent LaVigne, SNU staff sponsor, said, "It is amazing to watch God prepare hearts for service. The journey that God takes each one of these students on is why we are here. This type of experience is critical to apply our faith to action."
--Southern Nazarene University



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