Board of General Superintendents Easter letter

Board of General Superintendents Easter letter

by | 09 Mar 2012

To Nazarenes around the world:

As we approach this year’s Easter celebration, the presence of our risen Lord is being felt throughout the Church of the Nazarene. During General Board meetings last week, your passion for missions, your prayers, and your giving made it possible for your church to:

  • declare our presence in three new world areas — now 159 total.
  • commission 14 new global missionaries.
  • continue to make the 737 World Evangelism Fund-supported and contracted missionaries already on the fields a high priority.

These decisions underscore our commitment as a denomination to being a holiness and Great Commission church.

“Through the Cross” is the theme for the 2012 Easter Offering. 

We encourage everyone to give, even if you are already participating in faith promise. An extra gift will go a long way toward “making Christlike disciples in the nations. Would you lead your church in special prayer, asking God how much He wants your people to invest in this Easter offering for missions?

Please click on the following link for multilingual resources available through Stewardship Ministries and Nazarene Missions International:

The following prayer from a great hymn reminds us that the Good News is for everyone: 

Jesus, keep me near the cross,
There a precious fountain,
Free to all, a healing stream,
Flows from Calv’ry’s mountain.

The Board of General Superintendents is grateful for your generous and sacrificial giving. Thank you! May God bless you and your church as together we recall the death and resurrection of our Savior — Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the only true and living God.

The Board of General Superintendents
Church of the Nazarene




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