Nazarene logo FAQs

Nazarene logo FAQs

by | 22 Jun 2013

General Assembly participants witnessed the unveiling of the first official logo for the Church of the Nazarene on June 20. Since that time, numerous emails inquiring about download information were received.

The logo is available in multiple languages at A usage guide is available, as are additional downloads such as desktop wallpapers, Facebook cover photos, and now priority card files.

Also, while the response has been largely positive, some questions about the logo were received via Twitter and Facebook. Three are addressed below.

1. I thought the seal was the official logo of the Church of the Nazarene.

The seal is a part of the corporate identity of the Church of the Nazarene. Former General Secretary B. Edgar Johnson knew the denomination needed an emblem to identify Church of the Nazarene documents, and his creation is perhaps the most visually recognizable mark of the Church of the Nazarene.

2. What is the difference between the seal and the logo?

The new logo is more about identifying the "brand" of the Church of the Nazarene. The elements of the logo, save for the cross, were all taken from the seal. The Bible, the flame, and the dove are iconic representations of the denomination’s theological identity.

  • The Bible is the authority for all matters pertaining to Christian life.
  • The dove represents the Holy Spirit and points to Nazarenes’ appreciation for the third person of the Trinity.
  • The flame represents the cleansing, transforming power of the Spirit in a believer’s life.

3. Why isn't "Holiness Unto The Lord" on the new logo?

There is a difference between a logo and a corporate seal. The seal captures the official characteristics of the denomination and will continue to be used widely.

On the other hand, logos visually express the central elements of a brand. A logo does not communicate every single detail associated with the institution. This is one of the reasons the seal is not being replaced.

When the Church of the Nazarene is represented, leaders believe it is important for the world to know that the denomination holds to the authority of Scripture, the efficacy of the cross of Christ, and the promise and potential inherent in the flame of Pentecost through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

To download the logo and/or introductory video, visit



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