Thank Offering gifts help continue mission

Thank Offering gifts help continue mission

by | 20 Dec 2016

Nazarenes are a generous people. Gifts of thankfulness from the recent World Evangelism Fund offering continue to be received. These funds reach ministries around the world and result in praise to God, our generous giver. So far, US$515,000 has been received in Thanksgiving, or Thank, Offerings for the World Evangelism Fund. These gifts are now making Christlike disciples in the nations.

Thank you for your generosity. As we recognize your faithfulness, we cannot help but give praise to God. Your devotion to the mission is a blessing that stretches into eternity as people around the world come to a saving knowledge of Christ. Your gifts will help others know the Great Giver and recognize that the blessings they receive are All From Him.

God bless you for your devotion to taking the gospel around the world.

With gratitude,

The Board of General Superintendents



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