Nazarenes in the News

Nazarenes in the News

by | 25 Aug 2016

Nazarenes in the News is a compilation of online news articles featuring Nazarene churches or church members. 

Members from Tulsa Hills Church of the Nazarene traveled to Louisiana to assist with flood relief.


Oklahoma church members assist Louisiana flood victims

Tulsa, Oklahoma

(KJRH, August 25) Members of the Tulsa Hills Church of the Nazarene traveled to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to lend their hand to flood victims. 

The group of men is helping clear homes of debris and make repairs. 

Pastor Jim Thornton said it's in the church's DNA to help out.

For the rest of the story, click here


South Central Ohio District raises funds for West Africa, West Virginia

(NCN News submissions) Churches on the Church of the Nazarenes South Central Ohio District rallied around two causes this summer.

The first project began in March during missionary zone rallies on the district. Missionary Tim Eby spoke about the work God is doing in West Africa, showing a video about pastors and lay leaders using motorcycles to take God’s Word to areas that are difficult to reach. These pastors and lay leaders take the JESUS Film in a backpack along with hand-held solar units downloaded with teaching materials in their native language. 

District Superintendent Trevor Johnston challenged churches to raise funds to purchase 10 motorcycles at $2,000 each.

"God moved the hearts of the people in a phenomenal way and they responded by raising nearly $39,000," said Carol Lee Carpenter, Nazarene Missions International president for the South Central Ohio District. "That is 18 plus motorcycles for pastors and lay leaders! We can envision the Word of God riding the winds of West Africa and bringing the good news of hope and salvation."

For the rest of the story, click here.


South Carolina church hosts football Sunday

Sumter, South Carolina

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--Compiled by NCN News



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