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Norine Grantz

Remembering Norine Grantz

Norine Grantz, 94, of Weymouth, Massachusetts, passed away 24 April 2022. She was a retired missionary who served in Peru for 23 years.
05 May 2022
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Brasil Ordinations

South America Region ordains over 250 pastors, deacons

The Church of the Nazarene’s South America Region has held ordination services since October 2021 in different countries of the region, ordaining 253 men and women as pastors and deacons.
04 May 2022
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Paulista Evangelism

Brazil church uses resurrection message for evangelism on Easter weekend

The Igreja do Nazareno Central de Paulista in Paulista, Brazil, used Easter weekend as an opportunity to evangelize to its community. A Saturday evangelism event was led by the children's ministry followed by a march through town into the church on Sunday.
28 Apr 2022
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Venezuela Radio station

Venezuela church begins radio station for evangelism 

Vida Nueva Iglesia del Nazareno in Machiques, Venezuela, has shared the message of salvation through mass media such as television and radio. Thanks to donations and fundraising, they're now beginning to operate their own radio station.
22 Apr 2022
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Cafe Misionario

Brazil man sells coffee to build church

Amid the height of the pandemic, pastor Leandro Alves began selling coffee to help fund a church planting project in Anísio de Abreu, Brazil. Now, a few years later, the church is on the verge of being opened.
07 Apr 2022
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Displaced Persons

Regional conference equips South American Nazarenes to aid displaced people

The South American Region hosted the first conference on displaced persons 17-20 March in Bogota, Colombia. A total of 36 participants attended the meeting with representatives from all 10 countries of the region.
31 Mar 2022
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Group photo of Vida Nueva members

Venezuela serves community during evangelism event

The Vida Nueva Church of the Nazarene, located in the Machiques de Perijá, Venezuela, carried out an evangelism activity with the theme "Bearers of good news."
17 Mar 2022
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Ecuador Niños

Ecuador district distributes thousands of tablets to children

The Sierra Centro District in Ecuador distributed more than 7,000 tablets to children from churches around the district. The tablets were acquired as part of a district strategy for the holistic development of children in this part of the country.
09 Mar 2022
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Light Feet Mission

Argentina missions initiative makes impact on "triple border" region

A team from the Pies Ligeros (Light Feet) initiative in Argentina traveled to the “triple border” region for 10 days to help restore churches in the area and carry out evangelism activities in the communities.
04 Mar 2022
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NCN Commissioning Graphic

2022 Nazarene missionaries commissioned

The Church of the Nazarene's Global Missions office recommended 26 missionaries for commissioning during the 98th General Board Session, held virtually 25-28 February.
02 Mar 2022
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In Memoriam

In Memoriam: 27 September 2024

27 Sep 2024
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Roam volunteers help wash tent at Salyer Lake.

ROAM Volunteers impact nazarene camps,…

27 Sep 2024
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Brazil Missions Trip

Missions trip in Brazil brings holistic care…

26 Sep 2024
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Superintendents' retreat offers renewal,…

24 Sep 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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