



Ten Percent giving is an endorsement of particular ministries and projects in our global church. These ministries and projects called Approved Nazarene Mission Projects provide an opportunity for churches and individuals to support specific ministries while providing a form of recognition for their ministry support. Recognition is recorded when the funds are reconciled in Global Treasury Services.
Giving to Approved Nazarene Mission Projects through the Ten Percent giving program allows our seven world regions to facilitate ministry far beyond what the World Evangelism Fund can resource. Any funds given to Approved Nazarene Mission projects are subtracted from the total church income by the General Treasurer before calculating any giving goals.
Point-to-Point Reporting is a method of receiving Ten Percent recognition for cash gifts that are not processed through the Global Treasury Services (only available in the US). This method should be used for special circumstances in which a local church sends a gift directly to an Approved Nazarene Mission Project in the US. For example, a church that operates a Compassionate Ministry Center can receive recognition for the funds it provides without the need to send the funds through Global Treasury Services.
Another opportunity to report giving via the point-to-point reporting method would be when a local church goes to a Work and Witness project outside of the US and the funds are delivered to the project site by the Work and Witness team.
Individuals who give to global missions or ministries directly make a local church’s task of tracking their giving goals much easier. The Funding the Mission website allows a church to calculate their giving goals all throughout the fiscal year, they can see what gifts have been received and processed by the General Treasury, and they can use the site to give electronically. Giving electronically is much easier, safer and less expensive for the local church and the Church of the Nazarene, therefore more money can be used in ministry!
The Funding the Mission tool allows the local church to record income, track progress toward allocation goals, and make itemized online contributions. Not signed up yet? Contact your district office or email stewardship@nazarene.org.