Venezuela churches minister to people at landfill

A compassionate outreach event called Love, Peace, and Mercy was recently carried out in the municipal landfill of Barinas, Venezuela. The event was organized by the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries of the Venezuela Llanos District in May 2022.
A team of 12 people from several district churches traveled to the landfill to serve about 200 people who live there. The team preached the Word of God, emphasizing Hebrews 4:16, in addition to serving breakfast, providing medical attention, and delivering medicine, food, clothing, and footwear. The outreach extended to the workers of the landfill as well.
A total of 83 people accepted that Jesus Christ is Lord, praying the prayer of faith.
“God is faithful and His mercy is forever,” said one of the landfill residents.
The project began when district NCM leaders were made aware of a large number of people living in or near the landfill. According to Andrea Trejo, communications director for the Llanos District, the residents wait for people to bring items to the landfill so they can pick out the “good things” people throw away.
The NCM team is planning more outreach events at the landfill and has already established a Bible study group there.
The Llanos District NCM asks for prayer for these people as they have many needs and health problems.
“We can always be part of this work of compassion, perhaps not in person but by joining in a prayer,” said Trejo.
--Church of the Nazarene South America Region