In Memoriam: 6 May 2022

The following is a weekly listing of Nazarene ministers and leaders who recently went home to be with the Lord. Notices were received 2-6 May 2022.
Phylis Hubartt, 96, of Warren, Indiana, passed away 28 April 2022. She was the widow of Leonard Hubartt, a retired minister and evangelist who served in Indiana. Leonard passed away in 1993. She was preceded in death by her second husband, Carl Hubartt, who passed away in 2018.
B. Winfred Ritter, 96, of Franklin, Tennessee passed away 30 April 2022. He was a retired minister who served in Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Kentucky. He is survived by his wife, Theola Ritter.
Elizabeth Smith, 97, of Dale, Indiana, passed away 25 April 2022. She was the widow of John Smith, a retired minister and evangelist who served in Indiana. John passed away in 1997.
Tom Spalding, 88, of Bastrop, Texas, passed away 25 April 2022. He was a retired missionary and minister who served in Bolivia, Mexico, and Panama over 22 years. In addition, he served as a minister in Texas. He is survived by his wife, Linda Spalding.
Lois Wanner, 92, of Plattsburgh, New York, passed away 29 April 2022. She was the widow of Robert Wanner, a retired minister who served in Pennsylvania.
David Ziegler, 77, of Peoria, Arizona, passed away 17 April 2022. He was a retired minister who served in California and Arizona. He was preceded in death by his wife, Suzanne Ziegler, who passed away in 1993.
For previous editions of In Memoriam, see the "Passings" section by clicking here.
Note: Please join us in prayer for the families who have lost loved ones. Click on names for full stories, funeral information, local online obituaries, and/or guest books (if available). To submit an entry of a minister or church leader, send to news@nazarene.org.
--Compiled by Nazarene News