


When money is given to a church, it is reported as income. Increased income raises the giving goals, for goals such as the World Evangelism Fund (WEF), Education, and Pensions & Benefits goals. When churches give to WEF or Approved Nazarene Mission Projects the money is reported as part of the total income, but the Funding the Mission Application adjusts the calculations so the giving goals will not increase due to the mission giving. By choosing to make an exception for funds given to missions, the Church of the Nazarene enables churches to devote more money to the local and global missions of their choice. Giving to the following funds does not raise giving goals:
World Evangelism Fund: includes general WEF giving, the Easter Offering, Faith Promise, and the Thanksgiving Offering.
Ten Percent Approved Nazarene Mission Projects: mission offerings that raise funds for specific needs, connecting donors (churches, groups, or individuals) and ministry. Specific Approved Nazarene Mission Projects include but are not limited to:
Global Missions - Regions
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries
World Mission Broadcast
Nazarene Youth International
JESUS Film Harvest Partners
In order to fund the mission structure of the church in the most efficient way possible, our denominational leadership voted to exempt all contributions specifically for WEF (for example: Easter, Faith Promise, and Thanksgiving) and Ten Percent Approved Nazarene Mission Projects from the calculation of global mission contributions. That is, receiving an offering for WEF and other Approved Nazarene Mission Projects will not raise the giving goals of a local church.
The Funding the Mission tool allows the local church to record income, track progress toward allocation goals, and make itemized online contributions. Not signed up yet? Contact your district office or email stewardship@nazarene.org.