Recognizing the sanctity of life
The Church of the Nazarene firmly believes in the sanctity of life and encourages its members to recognize the importance of this matter through their everyday interactions.
This position extends into many areas, including abortion, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia, and the withholding of reasonable medical care to handicapped or elderly.
30.1: The Church of the Nazarene affirms the sanctity of human life as established by God the Creator and believes that such sanctity extends to the child not yet born. Life is a gift from God. All human life, including life developing in the womb, is created by God in His image and is, therefore, to be nurtured, supported, and protected. From the moment of conception, a child is a human being with all of the developing characteristics of human life, and this life is dependent on the mother for its continued development. Therefore, we believe that human life must be respected and protected from the moment of conception.
To read the full statement, click here.
--Board of General Superintendents