Business as usual is no longer an option in Florida

Business as usual is no longer an option in Florida

NCN Staff
| 11 Aug 2011
Florida districts

For the first time since Florida was divided into three Nazarene districts in 1973, the North, Central and Southern district advisory boards met in a joint session.

Florida appellate judge and Nazarene layman Charles Davis served as facilitator and chairman of the August 9 event at the Leesburg Church of the Nazarene. The three Florida superintendents – Orville Jenkins, Jr., North District; Larry Dennis, Central District; and David Nixon, Southern District – planned and organized the meeting for several months.

Judge Davis discussed the responsibilities of the various district entities and reviewed the results of a survey completed by all advisory board members in advance of the meeting.

The group talked about the relationship between local congregations and the district resource centers, focusing specifically on what local churches, the district, and the general church could look like in 10 to 20 years. Emphasis was also given to how a district can best resource local congregations in accomplishing their God-given vision.

All 34 participants agreed that these important conversations should continue. Four representatives from each district will serve as a task force to look at the future of the Church of the Nazarene in Florida. The group expressed a strong commitment to strengthening existing churches and partnering to start new ones in the next decade.  

The overwhelming consensus was that reaching and discipling the lost is more important than borders and boundaries - business as usual is no longer an option.

The three district superintendents expressed their optimism about the future of the Church of the Nazarene in Florida. Those present agreed to continue seeking the Holy Spirit’s leadership in future meetings and gatherings.
--NCN News submissions




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