NTS celebrates life of AJ Wetmore

Nazarene Theological Seminary President Jeren Rowell and the NTS community joins many family members, friends, and colleagues in mourning the loss of A. J. Wetmore 29 January. A. J. and her husband, Gordon Wetmore, made an enduring mark on many students, faculty, and staff during their years of ministry at NTS. Wetmore, who passed away in 2016, served as NTS’ seventh president from 1992 to 2000.
Nazarene Theological Seminary gives thanks for the life and ministry of Mrs. Wetmore and joins the family and the church in celebrating the hope of the resurrection embodied by A. J. and Gordon Wetmore.
The Wetmore family provided the following message to NTS:
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in A. J.’s honor to the Dr. Gordon & A.J. Wetmore Scholarship Fund. The Wetmore Scholarship fund is an endowed scholarship given to students at NTS. Donations can be made here. Please note that the funds are: “In Memory of Dr. Gordon & AJ Wetmore.” Checks may be made out to “Nazarene Theological Seminary” and sent to 1700 E Meyer Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64131. Earmark the check “Wetmore.”