Ecuador church aids in physical, spiritual recovery of flooding victims

Ecuador church aids in physical, spiritual recovery of flooding victims

Church of the Nazarene South America Region
| 24 Feb 2022
Ecuador Floods

Ecuador Nazarenes pray with a flood victim on the street corner.

Torrential rainfall caused flooding on 31 January in the areas of La Comuna and La Gasca near Quito, Ecuador. This natural disaster left at least 40 people dead, more than 20 people injured, and extensive damage to homes in the area. 

Many community members supported the cleanup, and the Iglesia del Nazareno Restauración brought 50 lunches for the victims and the volunteers. In addition, clothing and some non-perishable foods were provided. The emotional toll on the victims of the disaster was obvious, so the following week, the church members returned to share the Word and pray with those who lost their relatives. They also distributed 240 breakfasts.

“When our lives serve the Lord Jesus, there will always be places, people, or circumstances where we can help others,” said Rodrig Aristizábal, leader of the evangelism ministry. “Mark 1:29 tells us how we see the great love of God for humanity, and despite all the adverse circumstances that we may experience, He will always move us with mercy to extend a hand to those in need.”

The following two Saturdays — 12 and 19 February — church members served again. Over 100 breakfasts were delivered to the families that were most affected each Saturday. They shared with groups of young people who needed emotional and spiritual support. The volunteers told them of the care that God has for their lives and helped several to accept Christ into their hearts. A total of 15 people made decisions to give their lives to the Lord on those two Saturdays. The volunteers also committed to returning each weekend to help continue to pray with and disciple their new brothers and sisters in Christ.

“We appreciate all the support, for the food, for the breakfasts, for being with us from the beginning, for all the spiritual help, which is so important in times like these,” said Lourdes Ortíz, one of the victims of the flood. “God took great care of us, and we thank Him for being alive. A nice house doesn't matter if we don't have God.”

--Church of the Nazarene South America



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