Canada Central District leaders receive training at TEACH conference

Canada Central District leaders receive training at TEACH conference

by | 02 Dec 2016

Ministry leaders, volunteers, and pastors from across the Canada Central District came together at Brampton, Ontario, Church of the Nazarene November 12 for a one-day training event, TEACH 2016. This event was the second TEACH conference sponsored by the USA/Canada Region Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International in 2016.

Pastor Stuart Williams from Skyview Community Church of the Nazarene in Calgary, Alberta, led the opening and closing plenary sessions. Inspired by the theme “Rooted, Growing, Fruitful,” Williams challenged people serving in the church to remain rooted in their faith and their calling to serve in their ministry areas. He also led a one-hour workshop for leaders and team members on developing a vision for their ministry.

Pastor Lucas Prado from Rosewood Church of the Nazarene in Scarborough, Ontario, led worship during the plenary sessions. Special speakers included USA/Canada SDMI Coordinator Larry Morris, USA/Canada Regional Director Bob Broadbooks, Nazarene Bible College Vice President David Church, and Canada Central SDMI Board Member Kerby Stavropoulos. In addition, USA/Canada Children’s Ministries Coordinator Leslie Hart met with children’s workers to share resources, answer ministry questions, and discuss networking opportunities between the U.S. and Canada.

The responses from attendees were encouraging. One said, “Thank you for a great day! I learned something at each workshop that will be used at my church.” Another responded, “Wonderful event. I think it was the best one I’ve ever attended.” A third attendee called it a "very good event." They continued: "More people should attend. I will be trying my best to get high participation from my church for the next event.”

--USA/Canada SDMI



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