Questions for
Is the District NMI President elected?
Yes. The District NMI President is elected by the District Convention. They are nominated by the District NMI Committee.
Pioneer, Phase 1, and Phase 2 Districts: In pioneer, phase 1, and phase 2 districts, a district president may be elected by the District NMI Convention or, where there is no such convention, the district superintendent shall appoint a district NMI president who shall promote the purpose of NMI on the district. The president may serve alone or may consult with the district superintendent to appoint other church members of the district to assist the president by serving as the NMI council.
What is the responsibility of the District NMI President?
Directs and facilitates the district council to ensure achievement of the purpose of NMI on the district.
Presides at all meetings of the district council, executive committee, and the district convention.
Prepares an annual budget for approval by the District Finance Committee.
Submits annually a written report to the district NMI convention and to the Global NMI Council regional representative; and where applicable, the re¬gional NMI coordinator for Global Missions regions.
Assigns duties to other council members as may be required from time to time.
Serves as ex officio member of the district committee referenced in the Manual paragraph 239.
How long can a District NMI President serve?
There is no term limit, but there is either a term of either 1 year or two years determined by the District NMI Nominating Committee.
What reports does the District NMI President need to fill out?
There is annual statistical report that must be in turned in to the Global NMI Office. You can access the report here. [District NMI Report]
How does our district elect delegates for the Global NMI Convention?
See Article VI, Section 4, A of the Constitution here.
Which positions on the NMI Council are elected?
The president and at least three additional members shall be elected by ballot at the annual district convention. The three additional members will be vice president, secretary, and treasurer. The term of service shall be one or two convention years as determined by the district NMI council with the approval of the district superintendent or until their successors are elected. In the event of the election of a new president, the new president shall take office within 30 days of the conclusion of the district convention. A convention year is from the adjournment of the district convention to the adjournment of the next district convention. These four council members will form the executive committee of the council. Three or more other council members may be elected or appointed to serve on the executive committee by the district council.
If you would like to read more, please see Article 5, Section 2, C, 2 of the Constitution.
What is the responsibility of the District NMI Secretary? Treasurer?
You can read the responsibilities of the District NMI Secretary in the Constitution in Article 5, Section 2, D, 3.
You can read the responsibilities of the District NMI Treasure in the Constitution in Article 5, Section 2, D, 4.
How often does the District NMI Council need to meet?
The district council shall meet a least biannually to transact business in the interim between the annual district conventions. In addition, special meetings may be called by the president. A majority of council members shall constitute a quorum.
If you would like to read more, please see Article VI, Section 3 in the Constitution.
What is the World Evangelism District of Excellence?
Districts that give at least 90 percent of their WEF goal (5.5 percent) have met the minimum goal in their support of the global mission as a district.
How does our district become a District Mission Priority One?
90% of all organized and active churches pray, taught, gave and mentor children and youth, gave to Alabaster, and participated in Links.