TEACH 2016 to include NazareneSafe workshop
The Manual of the Church of the Nazarene states that the business of the local church board shall be “To adopt and implement a plan to reduce the risk that individuals placed in positions of authority within the church will use the position of trust or authority to engage in misconduct. The plan for each local church must take into consideration its own unique circumstances” (Paragraph 129.30).
Creating a safe environment requires awareness, diligence, and monitoring on a consistent and systematic basis. With an even greater commitment to the mission, churches need policies and preventative practices that, when earnestly and vigilantly enforced, offer the best protection possible to those who are the most vulnerable.
SDMI USA/Canada Children’s Ministries Coordinator Leslie Hart will unpack this issue and how NazareneSafe policies can be implemented in the local church. She will discuss best practices and the five key elements of NazareneSafe:
- Awareness training
- Staff and volunteer screening
- Policies, procedures, and practices
- Accountability: Monitoring and evaluation
- Reporting and responding
TEACH 2016 is a national lay ministry conference, held at Springdale Nazarene Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, August 12-13. Registration, which includes lunch on Saturday, is $25 per person. Learn more at teach2016.org.