El Premio a la Segunda Milla reconoce a aquellos que
tienen un espíritu excepcional para cumplir la misión de
"Hacer discípulos semejantes a Cristo en las naciones."
(click region to see info)
Email SDMI Canada/USA Field Coordinators |
Ian Fitzpatrick Canada (Ambrose) |
James Hicks Central USA (ONU) |
Tom Zile East Central USA (MVNU) |
Camelot Shuff Eastern USA (ENC) |
Tom Boese North Central USA (MNU) |
James A. Clifton Northwest USA (NNU) |
C. B. Glidden South Central USA (SNU) |
Matt Hastings Southeast USA (TNU) |
David Caudle Southwest USA (PLNU) |
Make the Connection
Phone: 913-577-2800
Sunday School & Discipleship Ministries International
17001 Prairie Star Parkway
Lenexa, KS, USA 66220


A Nazarene support network providing fellowship, discipleship, and resources that strengthen educational ministries.

A Bible society based in the United States that publishes and distributes interconfessional translations of Christian Bible and provides study aids and other tools to help people engage with it.

Biker ministries helping other Nazarene biker ministries reach the lost for Christ through the sharing of ideas and information.

Providing prayer, support and networking among camp, retreat and conference centers within the Church of the Nazarene.

Serving children’s leaders through quality, affordable, local leadership development with retreats, weekend events and specialized programs - concentrating on equipping, encouraging and connecting local children’s leaders and local churches.

Offering a wide variety of study and enrichment tools, from yearlong Bible reading plans, to books of the Bible studies, topical studies, and devotionals.

Forging strategic partnerships that increase evangelistic exposures and bring new believers into discipleship.

Tell the Story is a discipling method that helps individuals present the Bible in a way that is simple to receive, remember, and retell.