Asia-Pacific: Member Care
Región: Asia-Pacific
Area: Asia-Pacific
COST (USD$): 40,000
Project Goal: $40,000/year
The Need: Your missionaries and national leaders, more often than not, carry disproportionately heavy loads. Research indicates that 90% of all cross-cultural ministry workers will experience actual Burnout at some point during their time of service. Burnout results from high levels of chronic stress. The results of Burnout and other unaddressed holistic health challenges can be tragic.
The Nazarene Response: In 2016, with the Asia Pacific Region making ‘Member Care’ one of its Regional Priorities, the last couple years have introduced the beginning of deep change. Our vision is for all missionaries and national leaders to be holistically healthy and fully engaged and functioning at the highest potential of God’s calling on their lives:
· A growing number of Mission and National Leaders are being professionally trained and equipped to serve as internal life and leadership coaches. To-date (mid-2018) they have provided the equivalent of up to $150,000 worth of coaching at no cost to the individual ministry workers.
· Professional counseling is accessible and delivered when appropriate.
· Workshops are bringing training in Conflict Mediation, Stress Management, Team Dynamics, Marriage Enrichment, Parenting MK’s, and other relevant challenges.
· Retreats are sponsored for effective renewal and restoration.
· Systems are provided for appropriate response to trauma and crisis.
· Relevant and practical periodical Member Care ariticles are delivered Region-wide.
· Region-wide Member Care video conferences are hosted quarterly where these challenging issues are being confronted and solutions discovered.
Your Involvement and The Future: Your partnership in this project makes it possible to keep growing what God has begun. In addition to continuing the above activities, project funds will:
· Develop and deliver on sight mission-field workshops in trauma response, team development, PTSD, mental health, resilience, support of MK’s and missionary transitions.
· Continue the professional development and certification of internal Nazarene professional coaches.
· Help to provide the tools needed to ensure holistic health and full engagement in God’s calling on every missionary and national leader’s life!
For more: https://asiapacificnazarene.org/ministries/member-care/
Make A Donation

Donate by Check:
In the US:
Make checks payable to General Treasurer and send them to:
Global Treasury Services
Church of the Nazarene
P.O. Box 843116
Kansas City, MO 64184-3116
In Canada:
Make Checks payable Church of the Nazarene Canada and send them to:
Church of the Nazarene Canada
3657 Ponytrail Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L4X 1W5.