Kenya Eastern DS uses TV to reach thousands

Kenya Eastern DS uses TV to reach thousands

by | 14 Oct 2016

On the Kenya Eastern District, Superintendent Augustus Mawia has taken a somewhat unconventional step in order to share the Church of the Nazarene's holiness message. He has taken to the airwaves and can now be seen on TV once a week.

Mawia said he connected with the TV station through a friend. The station asked Mawia to come and have an interview, answering questions about family and religion. 

"Through the grace of God I was able to answer their questions," he said.

Mawia said those watching were moved by his answers and he was offered a spot on the TV station once a week.

After being on the air for two weeks, Mawia has shared the gospel message and holiness message of the Church of the Nazarene with thousands of people. He said that after the first week, they learned 27 people had given their lives to Christ. After the second week, 15 people gave their lives to Christ. Mawia said his cell phone rings often with people who are wanting prayer and to learn more about Christ.

Mawia says that, through God's grace, he will continue this and is excited that he will be able to reach many through the television. 

--Church of the Nazarene Africa Region via Out of Africa




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