Reflections on LC2024
By Jeff Spangler, NDI Administrative Director | 18 Nov 2024

NDI’s quadrennial leadership conference, LC2024: Journey to the Core, is now in the rear-view mirror. What an amazing gathering of Nazarenes who are passionate about the discipleship mandate of the church!
On November 5-7, more than 250 Nazarenes met in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to focus on and celebrate the discipleship mission of the Church of the Nazarene. We were inspired, encouraged, and informed as we gathered for worship, workshops, and fellowship.
We heard phrases like “Humpty Dumpty” as General Superintendent David Busic reminded us that God is able to redeem and put our broken world back together and “Your Grace is too small” as Global NDI Director Sam Barber challenged us to remember the magnitude of God’s grace.
USA/Canada Regional Director Stan Reeder celebrated the new life and growth of the church in USA/Canada with “I hear a rattling sound.” Finally, guest speaker Rev. Cricket Albertson, executive director of Titus Women, traced the powerful discipleship ministry of the church following the resurrection and outpouring of the Holy Spirit through “post-resurrection discipleship.”
These powerful messages were accompanied by inspirational seasons of worship, led by Rev. Nick Robertson and his team from Bethany Church of the Nazarene. In each service, Dr. Barber presented a Second Mile Award to worthy recipients, celebrating the significant contributions of NDI leaders Dr. Scott Rainey, Dr. Dean Blevins, and reverends Larry Morris, David Middendorf, and Darlene Frank.
During Dr. Barber’s message, participants were given a wooden coin to illustrate that the Journey of Grace (God’s part) and the USA/Canada Region’s Cycle of Resurgence (our part) are two sides of the same coin. The core values of discipleship are our response to God’s grace, working in us and through us, his church.
Thirty-two workshops were offered on the second day of the conference, covering various discipleship ministries of the church such as disability ministry, children’s ministry, senior adult ministry, women’s ministry, marriage, outreach ministries, and more. There was also a time for participants to gather with their educational field coordinator and share ideas and information. Representatives from Women’s Discipleship Ministries hosted a prayer room and prayer stations to inspire and guide us in fervent prayer for our church.
Much thanks to the many people whose contributions in prayer, time, and resources made this such a positive and inspiring event. It was very evident that there is a renewed sense of optimism and hope in the church as we work together to fulfill our mission to make Christlike disciples in the nations.
We look forward to the M25 conference in Kansas City on February 10-12. Stop by and visit the NDI display; we look forward to seeing you there!
Videos of the plenary sessions and key workshops as well as a photo gallery will be available soon at