Chile national women's conference emphasizes serving God

Chile national women's conference emphasizes serving God

Church of the Nazarene South America Region
| 12 Mar 2025

The 2025 National Women's Meeting was held in Puerto Montt, Chile, from 30 January to 1 February. This event brought together more than 120 women from all over the country under the theme of "Instructed to Serve," a call to dedication and service to God with commitment and consecration.

During the three days of activities, the participants were enriched with a series of workshops shared by pastors Cristiane Polonio and Rocío Fonseca.

One of the highlights was the presentation by psychologist Carolina Cárcamo Hernández, who gave a valuable testimony about work carried out at the drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in Puerto Montt. The sermon was given by the national coordinator of Ministerio a la Mujer (Women's Ministry, also known as MAM), Pastor Ana Mardones, who inspired the attendees with a profound message about the call to serve.

One of the most significant activities was the open-air evangelization held on the Puerto Montt waterfront. The women in attendance enthusiastically went out to share the message of Christ with the community, closing the meetings with a social and evangelistic operation in which free services were offered to the community, such as medical care, hairdressing, a children's show, and door-to-door evangelism. This gesture of love and service reflected the compassionate spirit that characterizes the Nazarene women of the country.

The 2025 National Women's Gathering in Puerto Montt left a mark on the participants, who left with a renewed vision of serving God and their community.

--Church of the Nazarene South America Region



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