Korea Nazarene University holds inauguration for new president
Korea Nazarene University celebrated the inauguration of its eighth president, David Kyungsoo Kim, this week with more than 500 attendees.
Kim, a professor at Korea Nazarene University, was elected July 29th and succeeds Im Seung-an, who has served in the position since February 2016.
Kim earned a Master of Arts in history from Yale Graduate School of Theology and a Doctor of Philosophy in education from Saint Louis University in Missouri, USA. He previously pastored the St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Grace Church of the Nazarene and Korean Nazarene Holiness Church for a total of 13 years.
In his inaugural address, Kim reminded attendees of the Nazarene values of regeneration, sanctification, mission, education, and compassionate ministry, emphasizing that the Church of the Nazarene has historically been committed to higher education.
“Higher education in the Church of the Nazarene serves as the foundation for nurturing the youth of the Church to grow spiritually, to keep the Church healthy, and to exert influence in the world with servants who love Jesus Christ,” Kim said. “For this purpose, Korea Nazarene University was started in 1954 in Korea to educate young people and give glory to God.”
During the ceremony, honorary doctorates were awarded to Joel Pearsall, president of Northwest Nazarene University, and to Im Yong-hwa, pastor of Cheonan Sung Moon Church.
Among those in attendance were former Church of the Nazarene Education Commissioner E. LeBron Fairbanks, Korea National District Superintendent Shin Min-gyoo, KNU Board Chairman Yoon Moon-gi, and Lee Myung-soo of the Liberty Korea Party.
Kim acknowledged the challenges facing KNU during his inaugural address, restating the need for “innovative change to open a new era.”
Finally, Kim celebrated the place of education in the Church of the Nazarene.
“Everyone in the Nazarene university community should focus on education that seeks the truth and educates youth to influence society,” Kim said.