India woman answers call to children's advocacy

India woman answers call to children's advocacy

Sara Norris for Eurasia Region Church of the Nazarene
| 06 Feb 2025

During a Sunday morning worship service in 2021, Komal Waghmare sensed God placing a sudden, clear burden on her heart. She knew then that he wanted her to advocate for children through the Church of the Nazarene.

“It was out of the blue,” Waghmare remembers. “God just put this heaviness in my heart, and I’m going, ‘God, how do I do this?’”

For over a decade, Waghmare had devoted her career to advocating for children through secular nonprofit and child development programs in India. Now, God was asking her to serve the most vulnerable through her church. He had been preparing the way for years, surprising Waghmare at every turn. In 2020, she enrolled to pursue her Master of Divinity. She didn’t understand why but knew God was leading her to deepen her theological understanding. 

“I want you to earn a degree for me,” Waghmare felt God was saying. 

She was baffled. She had already earned a graduate degree in business and had no intention of working in ministry. But she submitted to God’s will and began studying for her Master of Divinity.

In 2023, Waghmare decided to pursue a doctorate in holistic child development. The only program available that fit her needs was through Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary. She enrolled, wondering what God was up to.

“Again, my heart was very restless,”  Waghmare said. “Because the calling was there, but no door was opened.” 

Unable to share Jesus through her current job, Waghmare continued praying for an opportunity to connect her theological training and passion with her everyday work.

A few months later, God spoke to Waghmare again after attending an event at South Asia Nazarene Bible College. She had been surprised by the global representation at the celebration in Kolkata. The Church of the Nazarene suddenly seemed much more significant and widespread than she had ever understood. God prompted her to do a further search so that she could learn more about the church.

“Scroll Google and see,” Waghmare remembers sensing. “What is the Church of the Nazarene?” 

She found the Nazarene website, which led to learning more about the Eurasia Region and Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM). 

“Wow,” Waghmare remembers thinking. “I am a member of such a large, global church!”

That’s when she saw the job opening. NCM was seeking a holistic child development coordinator for the Eurasia Region. 

“And guess what?” Komal says, laughing. “I was already late to submit my application.” 

She immediately began wrestling with God. She was doing well in her job, and a promotion was looming. She knew absolutely nothing about NCM. Again, God nudged Waghmare. He reminded her of the burden he had put on her heart in 2021 and her prayer for opportunity. 

“He led me to see that this was the door being opened after so long,”  Waghmare said. She applied and landed the job. “I can tell you it has been the hand of God that has brought me, first and foremost, to this role,” Waghmare said. “I’m so grateful for this opportunity.”

Waghmare’s desire in her new role is simple: She wants every child to know that they have a voice, a purpose on this earth, and are precious in God’s sight.

“Compassion goes way beyond just charity,” she adds. “It goes toward developing, strengthening, empowering, and building agency in children.”

“I’m so passionate about it that I get to help churches see the role of a child,” Waghmare said. “The Bible speaks so much about children and the place of children being in the midst of the church…from the Old Testament to the New Testament, God has used children to do things that adults could never do.”

Ultimately, Waghmare is eager to help grow the Body of Christ through the lives of children and their grown-ups across Eurasia.

“Through the compassion that [children and grown-ups] show in the community, the community is drawn to the church,” Waghmare said. “And it’s drawn to Christ.”

--Church of the Nazarene Eurasia



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