Asia-Pacific Region announces new strategy

Asia-Pacific Region announces new strategy

by | 19 Aug 2016

District superintendents, field strategy coordinators, ministry coordinators, and special guests gathered together from across the Asia-Pacific Region for a conference in Manila, Philippines, August 8 to 12.

Throughout the conference, participants sought the Lord’s leading, grew in knowledge of Christlike leadership, and prayerfully committed to a common vision and strategy for reaching the Asia-Pacific Region for Christ.

Regional Director Mark Louw shared 441, a vision that God has placed upon his heart for Kingdom impact. The new strategy is derived from John 4:41: “And because of his words many more became believers” (NIV).

“My vision is for the Church of the Nazarene to be a Spirit-led, disciple-making movement, wherein all are intentionally growing in their faith and confidence, equipped and empowered to disciple and lead at least one other to faith in Jesus within four years, and for each equipped and resourced local congregation to give birth to another every four years,” Louw said.

Conference highlights include messages from the Word presented by Global Clergy Development Director Stan Rodes and special presentations brought by regional ministry coordinators.

Rodes’ messages centered around the theme Grace for Life.

"On the first day of the conference, there was such an incredible movement of the Spirit," said Todd Aebischer, regional communications coordinator. "As Stan finished, there was an invitation to prayer. The front of the room was lined with those seeking a renewal of their experience of God’s grace. It was truly a powerful time."

The conference ended with a communion service and challenge to go forth in the power of the Lord.

"We are looking forward with great anticipation to what the Lord is going to accomplish on the Asia-Pacific Region in the days ahead," Aebischer said. 

--Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific Region




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