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Jerald Johnson Memoriam

Celebrating the life, ministry of Jerald Johnson

Jerald D. Johnson, 92, of Meridian, Idaho, passed away 28 April 2020. He was a general superintendent emeritus, pioneer missionary, and minister.
01 May 2020
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Wilderness BGS

Lessons learned in the wilderness

Some have compared COVID-19 to a shared, global wilderness experience. The analogy seems appropriate. Whereas exile is more like the experience of not being at home in the culture, the wilderness is more akin to living in a time of scarcity and uncertainty. Consider what the wilderness involves:
01 May 2020
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BGS Photo

There is nothing to fear

The fear that the disciples experienced after the crucifixion is not unlike the fear and questions that many are experiencing because of the coronavirus.
24 Apr 2020
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Shifting Focus

Shifting our focus

The COVID-19 lockdown, as well as restrictions on travel, has had some unexpected consequences, including a decrease in pollution around the globe. A recent article shared the news that after many decades, the people of India are suddenly able to see the Himalayas again because of the significant
17 Apr 2020
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Easter English

Sing a new song

Whenever the Israelites experienced a season where God did something momentous in their midst, they sang a new song. Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, His praise in the assembly of His faithful people. (Psalm 149:1) As the people of God on this Resurrection Sunday, we prepare to
08 Apr 2020
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Palm Sunday

The Prince of Peace arrives

This weekend we celebrate Palm Sunday, remembering Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem just a few days before His passion, death, and resurrection. The event was prophesied by Zechariah: “Rejoice greatly, Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and
03 Apr 2020
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BGS Message Photo

Hope and prayer

Even though these are challenging times, this past weekend was a blessing in the Church of the Nazarene, as worship services from around the world were broadcast through live stream or by video. Many churches reported reaching more people than ever before with the hope of Jesus Christ. People who
27 Mar 2020
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Busic in Manilla

Busic visits Asia-Pacific Region for first time as jurisdictional GS

General Superintendent David A. Busic and his wife, Christi, arrived in Manila, Philippines, on January 3 for their first visit to the Asia-Pacific Region. The week gave David Busic an opportunity to meet leaders from across the region and witness first-hand the strategy, passion, and vision of the
09 Jan 2014
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BGS 2013

BGS 2014-2015 Jurisdictional Assignments

The Board of General Superintendents jurisdictional assignments from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2015 are as follows: Note: Jurisdiction of North American districts assigned by education zones David W. Graves , Chair of the Board of General Superintendents Global Ministry Center USA/Canada
09 Jan 2014
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WMB Pursing Holiness Logo

General superintendents' radio program spreads message of holiness

The Way of Holiness , a program featuring the Church of the Nazarene's Board of General Superintendents, began airing January 1 on the Oasis Radio Network based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Part of a larger communications strategy being developed by the Board, the purpose of the radio and podcast program is
08 Jun 2011
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Tree in focus

In Memoriam: 12 July 2024

11 Jul 2024
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Argentina Water is Life project

Water and Life helps develop rural Argentina…

11 Jul 2024
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Church of the Nazarene growing in south…

11 Jul 2024
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Ecuador Rescatados

Rescatados camp reaffirms God’s call on…

11 Jul 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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