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Districts choose new superintendents for 2017-2018

District assemblies are well underway across the South America Region. On the Central Andean Field, the Peru Cajamarca and Central Bolivia districts recently elected their new superintendents for 2017-2018. Peru Cajamarca chose Cester Gamonal Flores (pictured: top) and Central Bolivia selected Guido
17 Feb 2017
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Peru churches request prayer following floods, mudslides

Nonstop rain over the past two weeks has caused several floods and mudslides in Peru, leaving a trail of destruction and killing at least 13 people. With more heavy rain forecasted for the next few days, leaders in Peru anticipate the situation to worsen. Nazarene churches in Peru are working to
10 Feb 2017
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Peru church shares hope at children's hospital

Volunteers from the Weavers of Dreams ministry at Pueblo Libre Church of the Nazarene recently shared the Word of God and a message of hope at the National Institute of Child Health, a children's hospital. Church members also distributed blankets to the children so they can be warmer on cool nights.
14 Dec 2016
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Peruvian missionaries to Ecuador bring transformation to a village

When Alex was 12 years old, he walked away from his relationship with God and began drinking. He hated his father, who was an alcoholic and mistreated his mother. Yet, even as a child, Alex was beginning to follow in his father’s footsteps with alcohol. When he was older, Alex studied to be a chef
11 Nov 2016
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Peru leaders receive training at education conference

Nazarene Theological Seminary of Peru hosted its annual national theological education conference September 8 through 10 to continue training those who lead the decentralized theological education programs. More than 50 people representing most of Peru's districts attended, including teachers,
22 Sep 2016
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NTS-Peru hosts program for Awajún students

Nazarene Theological Seminary of Peru hosted two programs to train pastors and leaders from the Church of the Nazarene's three Awajún districts. The Awajún people are an ethnic group from the Peruvian Amazon jungle. The first program began January 11 with a summer holiday program that concluded
01 Apr 2016
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Peru leaders attend conference on Nazarene doctrine

Nazarene Theological Seminary of Peru held a conference August 17 to 29 with 74 faculty and staff. The purpose was to reflect on and dialogue regarding two topics: the seven identifying characteristics of the Church of the Nazarene and the significant contributions made and influence exerted on the
10 Sep 2015
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Peru churches planting churches

Jose Casteaneda Julca, 70, and Victor Manuel Ruiz, 68, learned it's never too late to serve God. Casteaneda is pastor of El Tablazo Church of the Nazarene, which recently planted a daughter church. That church, Pueblo Nuevo Church of the Nazarene in Colán, was organized August 23 on the Peru
27 Aug 2015
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Peru compassionate ministry receives wheelchair donation

The MINCODIS Project, a ministry of the Peru Northeast District, recently received 13 wheelchairs and other equipment donated to children with disabilities. The Ministerio Infantil de Compasión Distrital (District Children’s Compassionate Ministry) Project began three years ago when Peru Northeast
16 Apr 2015
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Retired missionary Eunice Bryant passes away

Retired missionary Eunice Bryant, 96, passed away January 27. Eunice and her late husband, Larry, served as missionaries in Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Peru for a total of 29 years. Eunice was born April 3, 1918. She attended Olivet Nazarene College (now University) and Nazarene
27 Jan 2015
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Argentina Water is Life project

Water and Life helps develop rural Argentina…

11 Jul 2024
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Church of the Nazarene growing in South…

11 Jul 2024
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Ecuador Rescatados

Rescatados camp reaffirms God’s call on…

11 Jul 2024
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East, West Mindanao districts celebrate…

11 Jul 2024
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