Around the world, the local church utilizes a wide variety of tools to educate, disciple, and evangelize. The following resources are available to help the local, district, and regional leaders in the development of various discipleship ministries.
Various resources are region-specific and can be accessed by clicking on the desired link below:
South America
Wesleyan-holiness curriculum is available for all ages through The Foundry Publishing. Click to view the educational materials available, including Sunday School lessons for children, youth, and adults; small group resources; and more.
Wesleyan Holiness Digital Library
WHDL is a library for the world, put together by a global, collaborative team from a broad range of disciplines. It contains thousands of discipleship items in many languages. SDMI has identified Collections that are listed as Jesus is the Way, Jesus is the Truth, Jesus is the Life, and other discipleship resources. Click Here
Second Mile Award
Beginning in 1992, the Second Mile Award was created to acknowledge individuals who have gone beyond the norm of what is expected. These are Sunday School and small group teachers and leaders, pastors, and laity who have given of themselves. Some have been publicly visible and some have been behind the scenes, quietly making a difference in others’ lives. They have been Christlike disciples, followers of Jesus, who have helped others become more Christlike.
Annual Bible Society Offering
The Church of the Nazarene designates the second Sunday of December of each year as a special time for the taking of an offering for each nation’s Bible Society. All churches should consult their district office for instructions regarding how to send their contributions to their respective country’s Bible society. (See 2017-2021 Manual, paragraph 908, 2.) The SDMI office is glad to engage district leadership in strategic planning regarding Bible society offerings, if desired.
The 2020 Total Ministry Brochure is an annual promotional/informational brochure for USA/Canada district distribution at SDMI Conventions and special meetings. Click here to download the brochure.
Download the Ten Commandments poster, available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Korean.
Click here to download this ready-to-duplicate template offering helpful guidelines for class members to use when preparing to invite a friend, colleague, neighbor, or family member to Sunday School.
This downloadable PDF offers a collection of ideas for ways to develop and promote Sunday School and discipleship programs in the local church.