From 21-23 June 2017, more than 750 NYI delegates gathered around the world for the 24th Global NYI Convention. These youth, lay, and ministerial delegates represented 256 districts (out of a possible 457 districts) from 82 different countries.
For the third time, delegates could participate in the Global NYI Convention at regional sites across the globe. Through full two-way video conferencing technology, delegates could connect in real time for worship, inspiration, fellowship, and voting. The nine regional sites in 2017 were:
Manila, Philippines
Hyderabad, India
Johannesburg, South Africa
Manchester, England
Pilar, Argentina
Port au Prince, Haiti
Sam Boucaud, Trinidad
Indianapolis, USA
Guatemala City, Guatemala
One of the greatest highlights from the convention included worship being led by each region from one of the regional sites. Delegates were led into worship by music teams in Johannesburg, Africa; Guatemala City, Guatemala; Manchester, England; Pilar, Argentina; Manila, Philippines; and Indianapolis, USA. Despite the differences in time zones, languages, and cultural backgrounds, delegates were united by their worship unto the Lord.

A new piece of the 2017 convention included the incorporate of Delegate Caucuses. Each day during the convention, delegates were divided by their delegate type (lay, youth, ministerial) for table conversations and discussions around the NYI core strategies of evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development, more commonly referred to as “Be, Do, and Go.” Their collective responses will have a great impact on the future of youth ministry in the Nazarene church for years to come.

Video recordings of the plenary sessions will be uploaded soon so that you can re-live the 24th Global NYI Convention. Stay tuned to this page and the NYI Facebook page for updates.