NDI welcomes two new USA/Canada Educational Field Coordinators!

NDI welcomes two new USA/Canada Educational Field Coordinators!

By Nazarene Discipleship International, | 12 Aug 2022

New NDI Coordinators

After a diligent search for the replacement of NDI Arizona District President David Caudle, who also served as the PLNU educational field coordinator, NDI Director Scott Rainey has invited Darlene Franks and Chelsea Peugh to become the co-educational field coordinators for the Southwest USA (PLNU) Field. 

Experienced and Gifted

Both Darlene Franks and Chelsea Peugh come with extensive ministry experience and a great passion for discipleship as indicated in their brief bios below.

(Please place their picture alongside their bio)

Rev. Darlene Franks is the associate pastor of children and family discipleship in Oroville, California. Darlene has significant ministry experience as she has served nearly 20 years as children’s pastor at the Sutter Creek Church. Prior to this, for eight years, she has served as NDI president for Sacramento District. Darlene writes, “Barry and I are passionate about making disciples and disciple-makers beginning with our family. We are blessed with two sons, two daughter-in-laws, and two grandchildren! I am honored and excited to be partnering with Chelsea Peugh as educational field coordinators for the Point Loma Region.” 

Rev. Chelsea Peugh has been serving in ministry for 15 years. She graduated from PLNU with a bachelor’s degree in Bible and Christian ministries. She continued her education by earning a master’s degree in Christian education from Azusa Pacific University. She was ordained by the Southern California District in 2014. Chelsea's calling is to utilize her God-given talents to honor and glorify the Lord and further His kingdom by leading unbelievers to Christ, making disciples, and leading the faithful saints into a deeper relationship with God.

A Unique Partnership for Accomplishing the NDI Mission

Because of the size and uniqueness of the Southwest USA field, Darlene and Chelsea will be NDI’s primary liaison for the districts indicated in the list below. 


Chelsea Peugh’s Districts:

  • Central California
  • Los Angeles 
  • Anaheim 
  • Southern California 
  • Arizona 
  • Southwest Native American

Darlene Frank's Districts:

  • Sacramento 
  • Northern California 
  • New Mexico 
  • Southwest Latin America
  • Western Latin America
  • Hawaii Pacific


This division of labor will provide each district and church with greater access to NDI leadership and information. If you have questions or recommendations for Chelsea or Darlene, please contact them by clicking here.

