A Special Update from The Discipleship Place
By Nazarene Discipleship International, | 12 Aug 2022

The Discipleship Place is at work creating new courses, redesigning the website, updating the app, scheduling new webinars, and much more! Here are some brief highlights.
- Discovering and Developing Christlike Disciple Makers. Written by Daryll Stanton (global resourcing coordinator for NDI), the seven-lesson course offers insightful and practical steps that can be useful for creating a disciple-making culture in your congregation. It is now available here!
- Spiritual Fitness App. The newly designed Discipleship Place app offers the same ability to receive customized daily Scripture. New features include daily prayer content and videos as well as the ability to track your progress. In addition, you will find A Journey of Grace small group videos and more. Download the app here!
- New Courses. The Discipleship Place is filming two new courses. One video course will teach discipleship principles and methods in small groups, and the other will be on mental illness and discipling those who struggle in that area.
- Website. Work is being done to redesign DiscipleshipPlace.org. Beyond a new look, the new website will make it possible to improve functionality for mentors and students alike.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact The Discipleship Place office at DiscipleshipPlace@nazarene.org.