Global NYI convention highlights Eurasia in first GA plenary

Nazarene Youth International (NYI) delegates came together Friday for Part Two of this year’s Global NYI Convention. Leaders joined in-person and online via Zoom to represent their respective districts and to participate in a time of learning and celebration for what God is doing in and amongst Nazarene youth.
The participants were led in worship by a global team, members of which represented every region. Daniel Latu (Asia-Pacific Region) and Nicole Almeida (Eurasia Region) hosted the day’s meetings, sharing Eurasia’s ministry highlights and walking the audience through the plenary session.
Latu described the day’s delegation as “inspiring, thrilling, ready!”
The Eurasia Region was the focus of Friday afternoon’s meeting as team members shared about the cultural diversity in the area where they serve and the impact they have been able to have.
Eurasia’s previous regional youth coordinator, Diego Lopez, who served for eight years, highlighted Nexus leadership training as a transformative initiative, discipling over 400 new leaders in the past four years.
‘We want to move young people from being seen as a mission of the church to being a demographic of the church,” Lopez said. “Young people are essential to the work in all our churches and communities.”
Amy Warner of Scotland, the current regional youth coordinator, shared from Acts 2 that cross-cultural and multilingual prayer times have been a driving force in creating unity and compassion in a world affected by war, economic crisis, and division.
Eurasia NYI is focused on listening to and serving those on the margins in the coming years.
Delegates also voted on the first ballot for the new Global NYI Council chair. The convention and election process will continue in the upcoming business sessions.
--Nazarene Youth International