Stories Volume 3 - 2016 now available
The Church of the Nazarene's Stories DVD series connects churches around the world through the personal accounts of Nazarenes from diverse backgrounds.
This resource, formerly known as the World Mission DVD, is delivered three times a year through an email newsletter. The videos are a collaborative effort between regional communications offices and Global Ministry Center communications personnel and are available to view or download online at nazarene.org/stories.
Volume 3 — 2016
In Paynesville, Liberia, water is in short supply. The Church of the Nazarene responded by installing a community water well, and the locals’ perception of the church has been transformed.
A woman suffering through a devastating divorce and subsequent depression called out to many gods, including the God of Heaven. Only He answered her prayer and had a rescue plan for her life already in place.
After God gave Helmut Warnstedt the courage to quit the Stasi, the East German secret police, Helmut walked away from the Lord. Years later, God drew Helmut back in an unusual way.
Edgar de la Rosa was devastated after his family moved out because of his drug and alcohol addiction. God not only brought transformation and healing for Edgar, but also inspired him to start a ministry that would impact his community in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Growing up in a broken home in Boa Vista, Brazil, Renui de Souza Lima fell into a life of drug and alcohol use and sexual promiscuity. Everything changed when he was invited to church and experienced Jesus for the first time.
A church in Decatur, Indiana, is winning young lives to Christ by moving from an entertainment-based youth ministry to a model that incorporates students' passions, the way they communicate, and the arts.
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