Open enrollment for term life insurance available now
Pensions and Benefits USA and Aetna are making it easy for young ministers and spouses to acquire or supplement their life insurance this summer. Between now and September 30, Nazarene ministers and spouses age 49 or under* may apply for an additional $10,000 in Nazarene Supplemental Group Term Life Insurance — without proof of health. Larger amounts are available but require evidence of insurability.
Pensions and Benefits USA provides basic life insurance for all eligible U.S. ministers. Open enrollment allows qualified individuals an opportunity to supplement this coverage without the hassle of medical exams.
Group Term Life is an affordable way to provide financial security for young families in case a provider suddenly dies. Currently, a 29-year-old Nazarene minister could add $10,000 in term life coverage for as little as $4.80 annually.
“We pray those who purchase this product never use it,” said Don Walter, Pensions and Benefits USA director. “But almost every year, we have a situation where a younger minister dies, leaving behind a family, and quite often they are living in a church-provided parsonage. This low-cost insurance can make a big difference in the lives of those survivors.”
Open enrollment is available only through September 30. Click here for more information or call 888-888-4656 to speak to a representative.
*Available for eligible ministers who were age 49 or under as of January 1, 2015, and who have not been denied coverage since January 1, 2009.