National Black Nazarene Conference dates announced

Planning is underway for the 2016 National Black Nazarene Conference, scheduled for July 27-31, 2016, at The Caribe Royale hotel in Orlando, Florida. The planning committee, which met at the Global Ministry Center May 19 to 21, is extending a special invitation to all Nazarene multicultural churches to be a part of this conference.
Committee members include Black Ministries Facilitator Charles Tillman, Eastern Region Representative David Solomon, Southeast Region representatives Bill and Barbara Allen, Janice Ballard, Cassandra Trotman, and Dwayne Simpson.
With the theme "Renew, refresh, revive," the conference will include morning and evening sessions and a host of workshops for clergy and laity. There will also be a special leadership track for pastors and additional church leaders. Other speakers include Dianne Adams of Meridian Fitkin’s Church of the Nazarene, John Wright from Detroit New Hope Church of the Nazarene, Lamar Davis of Los Angeles Grace Church of the Nazarene, Victor Price, senior pastor from Dorchester, Massachusetts, Second Church of the Nazarene, and Bishop Darryl Starnes of African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. General Superintendent Emeritus Stan A. Toler and former Mission Strategy Director Tom Nees will serve as super workshop leaders.
All black and multicultural pastors and leaders are invited to attend with their churches. Early registration is $25 for adults, $15 for youth, and free for those 12 and under. More information will be posted at usacanadanazarene.org/blackministries after Labor Day 2015.